About Us
The Weed and Pest Division operates under the guidelines of the 1973 Weed and Pest Act to manage noxious and invasive weeds and to suppress insects that transmit disease to humans.
Weed Management
We tackle noxious weeds on City owned property across Cheyenne using an integrated management approach. We monitor treatment sites and use a variety of management strategies including: releasing insects that feed on problematic plants, promoting beneficial native grasses, and applying selective herbicides to reduce densities of invasive species.
Vector Suppression
Mosquitoes that transmit diseases to humans are a top priority for our division. We focus on preventing mosquitoes by targeting the aquatic habitats that allow them to proliferate. We monitor over 600 known sites and treat them using a naturally occurring bacteria known as BTI, or with the insect growth regulator methoprene.
Virus Monitoring
Throughout the summer months Weed and Pests monitors mosquito populations with a series of traps and regularly tests these mosquitoes for infectious disease via PCR. We also collaborate with the Wyoming Department of Health Laboratory to provide additional sample testing out into Laramie county. We currently test for West Nile Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, St Louis Encephalitis.
Public Education
We love opportunities to share with the public and are currently working to expand our outreach capabilities. Major public events like Superday, this webpage, and mailers are a couple of examples of how we share information about our projects and about how you can help us with our mission. See some of our materials here!